We would like to introduce the support provided by E-QUIP CO., LTD.
Quality Supports
We make prompt and exact correspondents with customers’ high priority demands such as ‘Urgency Parts Inspection/Sorting’,
and we also provide total securely supports from ‘Special Outgoing Inspections’ to ‘Quality Improvement Activities’
in order to improve the incorrect conditions.
サポート内容 Support Content
選別検査 Parts Inspection/Sorting |
不具合発生時の在庫一斉検査実施 Screening in house goods (including single parts) |
出荷前検査 Outgoing Inspection |
出荷前検査の実施 Implement strict outgoing inspection |
QC関連書類 QC documents |
翻訳、工程表(PQAP、PPAP)等の資料作成支援 Translation、Supporting preparation of PQAP, PPAP documents etc |
品質改善 Quality Improvements |
不具合内容解析に基づく品質改善活動支援 Supporting total quality improvement activities |
不具合解析 Defect Analysis |
選別検査結果より不具合重点項目を抽出し、解析支援します Breakdown defective items and preparation of reports with QC tools |
※ PQAP = Process Quality Assurance Plan
※ PPAP = Product Part Approval Process

Engineering Supports
日本独特の高品質要求・短納期要求に対応すべく、製品開発 - 品質管理の一連の流れに関する『開発試作品/試作型』、『検査治具』、『展示スタンド』等の手配サポートをいたします。
We make definite supports for ‘Prototype Models/Tools’, ‘Various Jigs’, ‘Exhibition stand ‘、which are based on demands for high quality and tight fabrication schedule by Japanese customers.
サポート内容 Support Content
各種治具手配 Various Jigs |
各種検査治具の製作(検査治具、展示用スタンド等) Arrangement of various jigs fabrication (inspection jig, Exhibition stand etc.) |
手作り試作品手配 Handmade Samples |
シリコンゴム型品、光造形品、板金試作等 Silicon Tools, Optical Modeling, Stamping and so on |
各種試作金型手配 Various Prototype tools |
スチール、ZAS、アルミニウム、ジュラルミン製等 Correspondent to various tool materials (Steel, ZAS, Aluminum, Duralumin, etc) |

The Duty of Confidentiality
We recognize that a relationship of mutual trust between customers and us is built on a basis philosophy which keeping secret with regard confidential matters (drawings, data, documents, reports, information, knowledge and so on).
And also, we make a thorough training of all staffs through internal training.

Please contact us for our support content, coverage area, price, etc.